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Ett säkerhetssystem skall vara enkelt att använda. Jag kommer inte ihåg koden för jag brukar aldrig vara först. Godkända företagslarm och säkerhetslösningar till små och stora företag i Göteborg med SBSC larmklass 4. Låt oss skydda ditt företag, vi erbjuder allt från larm, inbrottslarm, brandlarm, utrymningslarm och övervakningskamera samt integrerade säkerhetssystem.
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Your shopping cart is empty! Lack of credible witnesses. Cyclists are particularly vulnerable at junctions. Perception that cyclists are reckless road users. A cyclist may not remember vital information from the scene of a collision. Continually monitors the road in front of the rider. Can be powered externally for automatic recording and longer recording. Simple to view and send video files.
Your shopping cart is empty! Commercial vehicles being held completely at fault. Fraudulent personal injury and whiplash claims. Provides accurate video, speed, time and date, G-force and location. Proven to improve driver behaviour. Allows claims to be settled more effectively and efficiently.
Fraudulent personal injury and whiplash claims. Provides accurate video, speed, time and date, G-force and location. Up to 1080p full high definition video resolution. Allows claims to be settled more effectively and efficiently. No subscription or on-going costs.
Your shopping cart is empty! Expensive and time consuming resolution periods. Fraudulent personal injury and whiplash claims. Unneccessry attritional claims costing the company when third party at fault. Provides accurate video, speed, time and date, G-force and location of any road traffic collision.
Your shopping cart is empty! Lack of credible witnesses. Motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable at junctions. Perception that motorcyclists are reckless road users. A motorcyclist may not remember vital information from the scene of a collision. Continually monitors the road in front of the rider. Can be powered directly from the bike for automatic recording. Allows claims to be settled more effectively and efficiently.
Your shopping cart is empty! Assaults and fault accusations against drivers. Commercial vehicles being held completely at fault. Fraudulent personal injury and whiplash claims. Provides accurate video, speed, time and date, G-force and location. No subscription or on-going costs.
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